Fauji Road, Gurdwara Bazar,
Kot Kapura, Punjab 151204
spreading light since 1983

Singla Eye Hospital
Kotkapura, Punjab
At Singla Eye Hospital The World's most precise Femtosecond Laser CARL ZEISS VISUMAX is used to create a flap and then CARL ZEISS Fastest and most tissue-saving MEL 90 EXCIMER LASER is used to ablade the cornea and correct spectacle power. The whole process takes about 10-15 min, after which the patient can go back home.

Bladeless LASIK is a US-FDA approved procedure and has been around for more than 10 years. Bladeless LASIK, also very commonly known as Femto LASIK consists of 2 lasers - Femtosecond Laser and Excimer Laser.
The Femtosecond Laser CARL ZEISS VISUMAX is used to create a flap and then CARL ZEISS MEL 90 EXCIMER LASER is used to ablade the cornea and correct spectacle power. The whole process takes about 10-15 min, after which patient can go back home.
Bladeless LASIK offers following advantages over conventional Blade LASIK procedures
Better Vision
Improved Safety
Better Corneal Strength
Thin Corneas has the possibility of Lasik Vision Correction
High Degree of Predictability and Precision
Thinner, more accurately created flaps
The high-precision femtosecond laser provides targeted correction of the vision defect
while leaving the surrounding corneal tissue virtually unaffected. -
A contact glass specially designed to match the individual anatomy of the cornea
permits customized treatment in which the corneal tissue does not need to be
unnecessarily compressed. This helps avoid temporary loss of vision caused by
excessive intraocular pressure. -

pRSn1. Bladeless Femto lyisk lyzr kI huMdI hY?
What is a Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser?
ies ielwj nwl AYnkW nUM p`ky qOr qy auqwirAw jw skdw hY[A`K dI sB qoN bwhrlI prq ie`k pwrdrSI iJ`lI huMdI hY ijs nUM kOrnIAw kihMdy hn[kOrnIAW au`pr lyzr dIAW TMfIAW ikrnW pwky ausdI golweI bdl id`qI jWdI hY Aqy mweIns, pl`s jW islMfr dy nMbr Kqm kr id`qy jWdy hn[ lyisk lyjr dunIAW iv`c ipCly 25 swlW qoN ho rhI hY Aqy ieh dunIAw iv`c plYinMg qihq m`nuKI SrIr qy hox vwlw sB qoN pRc`ilq ApRySn hY[pr 20vI sdI dy pihly dhwky iv`c PYmto lyisk dw AwivSkwr hoieAw ijs nwl A`K au`pr PlYp bxwaux leI blyf dI loV K`qm ho geI[ blyflYs PYmto lyisk lyzr ielwj iv`c PlYp Carl Zeiss Meditec Germany dI Visumax lyzr bxwaudI hY Aqy nMbr CArl Zeiss Meditec Germany dI dunIAw dI sB qoN qyj MEL90 Excimer Laser auqwrdI hY[
Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser vision treatment is an eye surgery in which specs are removed permanently. The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber . First a thin flap of 90 micron thickness (Approximately thickness of human hair) is cut on top of the cornea with the help of Visumax Femto laser made by Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany. Now cold laser pulses of Excimer Laser are fired on the residual bed and shape of the cornea is changed according to the specs power of the patient.
Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser is being performed for the past 12 years. It is a time tested technology which has treated millions of patients worldwide. Bladeless Femto Lasik can treat cylindrical, Minus and Plus numbers.
pRSn2. kI myry Bladeless Femto lyisk lyzr ho skdI hY?
Am I a candidate of Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser?
hr mrIj v`Krw hY,hr A`K v`KrI hY[ies leI hr mrIj dI ivsQwr nwl lyisk lyzr jWc kIqI jWdI hY[Workup iv`c mrIj dI ingHw, Pentacam nwl mrIj dy kOrnIAW dw skYn Aqy prdy dI jWc kIqI jWdI hY[jy Workup iv`c qusI pws ho, quhwfI aumr 18 swl qoN a`upr hY, ipCly 6 mhIny qoN quhwfw nMbr nhIN viDAw, A`K dw prdw shI hY, A`K iv`c koeI dw jgW koeI ibmwrI nhIN hY qW qusI Bladeless Femto lyisk lyzr leI cMgy mrIj ho[
Every Patient is different, every eye is different. That is why every patient needs complete lasik laser work up. During workup patient's vision, pentacam scan and retina check up is done. If your workup is normal, if your age is above 18, if your number is stable, If your retina is healthy then you are fit for Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser.
pRSn3. kI Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser sur`iKAq hY?
Is Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser Safe?
jy swry tYst krn qoN bwAd lyisk kIqI jwvy qW lyisk bhuq hI sur`iKAq hY[
If the workup is normal, there are no associated risk factors then Lasik is extremely safe procedure.
pRSn4. Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser ApRySn iv`c ikMnw smW lgdw hY? kI ApRySn dOrwn drd huMdw hY?
How much time does it take for Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser Surgery? Is Lasik surgery painful?
ikrnW pYx dw smW qw kuJ sikMtw dw hI huMdw hY pr ApRySn vwly kmry iv`c 20 qoN 25 imMt l`g
jWdy hn[dono A`KW dw ApRySn ie`kTw huMdw hY[A`K iv`c koeI tIkw nhIN lgwieAw jWdw[ qupky vwlI dvweI nwl A`K nUM suMn kIqw jWdw hY[ ApRySn qoN bwAd koeI p`tI nhIN kIqI jWdI hY[ kyvl kuJ idn kwlI AYnk lgwxI pYNdI hY[ ApRySn dOrwn koeI drd nhIN huMdw pr ApRySn qoN bwAd A`K iv`c kuJ GMty rVk rihMdI hY[
Lasik Laser surgery takes 20 to 25 minutes. It does not required any injections. It require no bandages. You have to wear dark glasses for few days.
Lasik Surgery is not painful how ever there might be some irritation in the eye for few hours after surgery.
pRSn5. Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser hox qoN ikMny smyN bwAd mYnUM vDIAw nzr Awaux l`gygw Aqy ApRySn qoN ikMny smyN bwAd mYN Apxy kMm qy jw skdw hW jW vwhn clw skdw hW?
How many hours after Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser surgery will i see clearly and how many hours after surgery I will be able to go to my work and drive?
nzr iv`c vwDw nwl dI nwl SUrU ho jWdw hY[Agly idn svyr q`k buhq swry mrIjW dI nzr swry
Awm kMm krn leI swP ho jWdI hY[ ApRySn vwly idn qusI frweIvr nUM nwl lYky AwE ikauNik A`K iv`c rVk huMdI hY pr Agly idn qusI Awp frweIivMg kr skdy ho[iblkul nwrml huMdy huMdy
quhwnUM pMj qoN s`q idn l`g skdy hn[ pr qYrwkI, k`bfI jW hor kntYkt KyfW qusI ie`k mhIny qoN
bwAd Kyf skdy ho[
By next day morning you will start seeing exteremely clearly and next day you can drive on your own. how ever you have to precautions from water and dust for 10 days. you have to stay away from swimming and contact sports for three months.
pRSn6. Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser ApRySn qoN bwAd mYnUM ikMnI vwrI fwktr nUM imlnw pvygw?
How many time do i have to visit doctor after Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser surgery?
Awm qor qy mrIj nUM ie`k idn, dsvyN idn, fyV mhInw Aqy 6 mihny bwAd (mrjI muqwibk) dyiKAw jWdw hY[jrUrq muqwibk G`t jW v`D vwr bulwieAw jw skdw hY[
Generally most of the times every patient has to meet the doctor 3 times after the surgery.
pRSn7. kI mYN ApRySn qoN pihlW kwntYkt lYNz pw skdw hW?
Can i use contact lenses before surgery?
ikauNik kwntYkt lYNz kOrnIAw dy Awkwr nUM pRBwivq krdy hn, ies leI ApRySn qoN ie`k hPqy pihlW ienHW nUM auqwr dyxw cwhIdw hY[
You have to stop contact lenses minimum 7 days before surgery.
pRSn8. ApRySn qoN ikMny idn bwAd mYN mykA`p kr skdI hW?
After how many days i can put makeup after surgery?
ApRySn qoN 10 idn qk qusI kysI nhwaux qoN Aqy mykA`p krn qoN s^q pRhyj krnw hY[
After 10 days of surgery you can start makeup.
pRSn9. Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser ikMnI AYkUryt (stIk) hY?
How accurate is Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser?
F.D.A. (USA) dy AMkiVAW Aqy swfy qjrby Anuswr lyisk bhuq AYkUryt hY[ienswnI iBMnqw dy ADwr qy koeI 2% lokW dI nzr nUM ApRySn qoN bwAd dubwrw sYt krn dI loV pYNdI hY[ ieh koeI
guMJl (Complication) nhIN blik stYNfrf iv`DI hY Aqy ies dw koeI v`Krw Krcw mrIj nUM nhIN
According to USA F.D.A. Lasik has accuracy rate around 98%. 2 % of the patients may require retreatment at later date.
pRSn10. kI Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser ApRySn qoN bwAd AYnkW dI jrUrq pvygI?
Will i need glasses after Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser surgery?
bhuqwq mrIjW iv`c lyisk lyzr ApRySn dw Asr siQr huMdw hY[mqlb ik mrIj nUM buFwpy q`k dUr dIAW AYnkW nhIN lgwauxIAW pYNdIAW[ jdoN buFwpy iv`c A`K AMdr ic`ty moqIey vrgy kudrqI
bdlwA AwaNudy hn, aus smyN AYnkW l`g jWdIAW hn[pr 40 swl dI aumr qoN bwAd hr ienswn dy nyVy dI AYnk XkInn lgdI hY[auh quhwfy vI l`gygI cwhy qusI lyisk krvwE cwhy nw[
FDA dy AMkiVAW Anuswr 4% lyisk lyzr krvwaux vwly mrIjW dy ApRySn qoN kuJ swlW iv~c
dubwrw AYnk dw Cotw ijhw nMbr Aw skdw hY ijs nUM irgrYSn kihMdy hn[ieh nMbr dubwrw lyzr nwl auqwirAw jw skdw hY[
Yes after the age of 40 our eyes start developing a natural condition called presbyopia which means that each and every human being has a reduction in near vision. so whether you undergo lasik or not you will have to wear near glasses
pRSn11. Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser ikMny pRkwr dI huMdI hY?
How many types of Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser is Available?
sDwrn Bladeless Femto lyisk lyzr ApRySn (Conventional Lasik Laser):- ies ApRySn iv`c AYnk dw nMbrqW l`Q jWdw hY pr rwq nUM roSnI P`tdI hY Aqy rMg vI iP`ky idsdy hn[
topo PYmto lyisk lyzr (Topo Femto Lasik Laser):-topo lyisk qoN bwAd roSnI nhIN P`tdI, rwq nUM vyKx Aqy vwhn clwaux iv`c muSikl nhIN AwayuMdI, rMg vI iP`ky nhIN idsdy[ieh ielwj sDwrx lyisk nwlo mihMgw huMdw hY[
Now there are two variants of Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser available
1. Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser- This is most simple and oldest form of Lasik Laser procedure. It gives good results. but has disadvantage of slightly poor contrast and colour vision.
2. Topo Bladeless Femto Lasik Laser- In Topo lasik topo guided maps are used to make the corneal surface perfectly smooth. This produces excellent colour vision and night vision.
isMglw A`KW dy hspqwl ivKy lyisk lyzr ivBwg iv`c kI KUbIAW hn?
ieh ivBwg ipCly 9 swlW qoN 100% sPl nqIjy dy irhw hY[Pentacam nwl kIqI jWdI hY[
dunIAW dI sB qoN qyj Carl Zeiss Meditec Germany dI Excimer Laser MEL-90 dI vrqoN kIqI jWdI hY[
ielwky dy sB qoN AwDuink PrWs dy Moria SBK Micro Keratome dI vrqNo kIqI jWdI hY[
duinAw dI sB qoN AwDuink Carl Zeiss Meditec Germany dI VISUMAX SMILE dI vrqoN kIqI jWdI hY[
ieh pUry mwlvy dw ie`k pUrn Refractive Centre hY ij`Qy Smile eye surgery, Femto Bladeless Lasik, Topo Vision, SBK Lasik, PRK, Presbyond near vision lasik for people over 40 years of age, refractive cataract surgery for specs removal after cataract surgery Awid kIqy jWdy hn[
sB qoN m`hqvpUrx g`l ieh hY ik isMglw A`KW dw hspqwl NABH qoN mwnqw pRwpq hspqwl hY[ies hspqwl iv`c lyisk lyzr, ic`ty moqIey, ipCly prdy, plkW Aqy A`KW dy rogW dy ielwj ivSvp`DrI mwxkW qy Kry auqrdy hn[
hspqwl dI iemwrq, ApRySn QIeytr dy stYNfrf, mwiekroskop Aqy lyzrW, Infection Control, Patient Safety Awid au~c kotI dy hn[
ies ivBwg dy m`uK srjn dw hjwrW kysW dw qjrbw hY[
hr kys dI jWc
This is the best eye hospital in Punjab Which provides all types of Specs removal procedures under one roof. In SBK Lasik we use world best morea evolution 3 micokeratome and worlds fastest and most advance MEL90 Excimer laser made by Carl Zeiss Meditech, Germany.